Consensus Picks

Pick the Winning Side Always

Imagine yourself caught between a nail biting NBA game, wondering who do I bet on? The best all look almost evenly spread out and it's getting difficult to choose. That's where comes in with the top consensus picks.

What's a consensus bet?

A consensus bet will show you exactly how many bets have been placed on each team of a game. So if you're looking at it's something like a 59-41 scenario.

Why can't I place it on my own?

You can! But, before you place it here's what you need to do:
● Conduct research on the teams
● Follow player stats
● Gain years of experience in the game of your choice
● Conduct a risk assessment
● Vet the bets by at least 50+ bookmakers

All in about the duration of a single game. Sounds difficult? That's exactly why we exist. Our team of experts does all of the above for you and gets you the top picks at all costs.

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